Grub Protection is Recommended for Your Lawn
What is a grub?
A typical lawn grub is a white ‘C-shaped’ larva of a beetle, about a half inch in length. A grub may be the larvae of the masked chafer, European chafer, Japense beetle, or other beetle species.
How do I know if I have grubs?
Gently lift up the sod. If it easily pulls away from the ground the root system may have been eaten by grubs. Cut into the soil and look for their presence. More than 10 per square foot of lawn could indicate a problem.
The presence of beetles may be an indication that they are laying eggs in your lawn. Tan colored chafer beetles are active just after sundown and Japanese beetles can be seen flying during the day feeding on ornamentals.
Damage can appear in two ways.
First small irregular patches of lawn will appear brown, dry and wilted. Damage also occurs when moles and crows tear up the lawn while feeding on the grubs. Both types of damage can be extensive in a severe outbreak. In severe infestations, it is not uncommon for large areas of lawns to be completely destroyed, making it necessary to tear out the entire lawn and start over.